What Is Comet NEOWISE And How Can You Spot It? Comet Neowise (officially named as C/2020 F3) , is a comet with a near parabolic orbit , was discovered on March 27,2020. This comet is delighting all the stargazers of the Northern hemisphere. Unluckily, this comet is not visible from the southern hemisphere of earth. So if you are from the Northern hemisphere then you’re so lucky to observe this rare celestial body. This comet was discovered by astronomers during the NEOWISE mission. Why Is It Officially Named As C/2020 F3? In this name ‘C’ stands for comet and ‘F3’ , because it is the third comet discovered in this year. What Does Make The Comet NEOWISE Special? The comet made its closest approach to the sun on 3 rd July. Now it is also visible for people in India from July 14 onwards. As mentioned earlier, comet Neowise is the third comet after Swan and Atlas. But it is the first visible one to the naked eye among the three. It is the brightest comet in the northern hemisph...
Language is the method of communication . We humans have been using various signs or sounds to express our thoughts since ages.At one time, in the beginning of human civilization,what there was mankind, our ancestors probably spoke one language. It is found that cavemen used to draw different symbols on the cave wall to describe what they saw or thought. This group of people started moving on from one place to another in search of basic requirements of life. Then they spread throughout the world out of Africa (Africa! because modern humans originated from Africa) and language started to develop along with civilization . It is normal for any language to change when moved to another location There are about 5000-7000 official languages spoken all over the world. India has 22 official languages and many co official languages. Many Indian languages were derived from Sanskrit. Despite having so many languages , we have only one mother tongue . It doesn't mean that languages are encoded...