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All about Annular Solar Eclipse

An annular solar eclipse was observed on June 21st, 2020 across much regions of Asia and Africa. Some people like us eagerly wait for such celestial events to occur. Today we will discuss about annular solar eclipse and also about some scientific experiments which are performed during solar eclipse . Its effects on human body will also be discussed.

What is an annular solar eclipse?
An annular solar eclipse is a phenomenon, occurs when the moon blocks the sun's centre, leaving the outer edge of the Sun, creating a much bigger portion called, the ring of fire.

Now coming to the next point, many of us get confused between a  total solar eclipse  and an annular solar eclipse. But there is a huge difference between the two events. They are totally different from each other. A total solar eclipse can occur when the moon has a larger apparent size, whereas an annular solar eclipse can occur when the sun has a larger apparent size than the moon. Total solar eclipse are rare.There is an another type of solar eclipse named as, partial solar eclipse. We will discuss about this one later.

Annular solar eclipse phenomena

The diamond ring

The most iconic phenomenon of an Annular solar Eclipse is its ring of fire or the diamond ring. During this phenomenon, the moon blocks the sun like a smaller disk, and hence the sun looks like a ring of fire. This beautiful sight is witnessed during the last few seconds before and after totality. Wait,there is a twist!You cannot look at this beautiful phenomenon with your naked eyes. In this mean time, the outermost layer emits electromagnetic radiation, which can cause retinal damage to your eyes. sad :-(

Blending of shadows

Blending of shadow is possible during a solar eclipse.Actually, blending of shadows is created by the atmosphere of Earth. During this time the sun has been reduced to such a small light source which cast the shadows of atmospheric details on the wall. Sounds interesting! This phenomenon is really hard to catch but don't be disappointed too soon:,-)

Crescent of shadows

Crescent  of shadow is the most noticeable effect. It is easy to observe everywhere. If you don't have particular glasses to see solar eclipse, then you can look at the crescents.
This is totally different in a normal day when you make a paper hole and stand under the sun and hold the  paper in such a position allowing the sun rays to pass through the hole. But during a solar eclipse day, this paperhole acts like a small pinhole. This is because anything that cast a shadow, allow small amounts of sun rays to peer through it creating such effect. Generally tree leaves are seen acting like pinholes during solar eclipse. So next time, go outside and capture the crescents!

Why you are not allowed to enjoy solar eclipse with bare eyes?

Though solar eclipse is a beautiful natural phenomenon,but it exerts some harmful effects on our eyes. It produces harmful rays and exerts some electromagnetic radiations which can damage your retina and you may go blind for lifelong.So whenever you are planning to observe solar eclipse, do not go outside without special eye protection glasses or if you do not have one, then use some indirect viewing techniques. Take care;)

Experiment during solar eclipse

There are several scientific experiments that scientists carry on during solar eclipse. But one experiment that I will suggest you to perform is that the experiment of double shadows. You will literally enjoy this one and it is also easy to perform.
How to do?
First take a white paper and then place your hand on a few inches above the paper and allow light to cast shadow of your hand against the white paper. During this experiment you will see another layer of shadow along with the pre-existing shadow. Now grab a pencil and try to draw the second layer on the paper .that's it. You're successfully done with your experiment. Ain't it easy?

What are the impacts of solar eclipse on human body?

People of different parts of the world have different perspectives and religious faith regarding the solar eclipse.
Specially in India, according to people's belief, solar eclipse impacts people's natal chart due to the planetary positions on the day of eclipse. some people also avoid eating and organising any auspicious event during the surya grahan or solar eclipse. The temples remain shut! But  scientists totally disagree this fact,even me too.
It's totally upto people's belief! You cannot change anyone's perspective if they don't want to. This topic is debatable one!

What do you think ? Comment down below and if you have enjoyed my writing then make sure that you share this with your friends and family.Thank you all  for reading my article.



  1. Beautifully explained. Loved your writing style.

    1. Thank you & Happy to help you.Stay tuned for further updates


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