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Why Are There So Many Different Languages In The World?

Language is the method of communication . We humans have been using various signs or sounds to express our thoughts since ages.At one time, in the beginning of human civilization,what there was mankind, our ancestors probably spoke one language.
It is found that cavemen used to draw different symbols on the cave wall to describe what they saw or thought. This group of people started moving on from one place to another in search of basic requirements of life. Then they spread throughout the world out of Africa (Africa! because modern humans originated from Africa) and language started to develop along with civilization . It is normal for any language to change when moved to another location

There are about 5000-7000 official languages spoken all over the world. India has 22 official languages and many co official languages. Many Indian  languages were derived from Sanskrit. Despite having so many languages , we have only one mother tongue . It doesn't mean that languages are encoded genetically! Our brain has some really awesome features in case of language. We start learning our mother tongue before we take birth . Yes , you're reading correctly!  We learn in our mother's womb as a fetus , but not much. This feature in humans was developed due to evolution. Even some animals can do the same. When we live in a culturally diverse society, we can learn many languages.

What Is The Origin Of Language?
Theories of the origin of language differ regarding their basic  assumptions. Language is hard and it's so complex that one cannot simply imagine it's ancestral root by looking at the final form. At first, when the speech of the new people changed only slightly from the original language, it would be called 'a dialect' . After a longer period, when it had some changes in its sound, grammar,word etc , then it would be considered as a new language.Some old languages are Greek , Hebrew , Tamil , Sanskrit etc.Hindi, Bengali , Assamese languages are developed from Sanskrit. In this way, French and Portuguese developed from Latin ; and English, Norwegian, Danish and Dutch grew from an early form of the German language.

Can We Globally Speak A Common Language?
Yes it is possible if we all agree to speak a common language or if we agree to invent a new language that can be easily understood and spoken all over the world. This had been tried before , but it didn't work .
In several cases, English is considered as an international language. Due to globalization and increasing online networking and economic systems, some languages are referred to as commercial languages. 
In the International Space Station(NASA) , Russian and English are considered as official languages. 
NB: Scientific study of language is called linguistics .


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