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Relation Between Our Fingers And The Phone Screen

Have you ever wondered  how you type something on phone screen?You may say it is the simplest question ever asked to someone and probably you'll answer in this manner- we type by our fingers. Yes , we do type by our fingers;but how? What is the science behind it?What is the connection between our fingers and phone screen?Well, let's start today's discussion!      A few months back, I was trying to make a stylus for digital drawing(A stylus is a writing utensil or a small tool which is used to draw, or make a selection by tapping on touchscreen devices). I researched about this tool and discovered something very interesting. While I was making this , apparently a question came to my mind  thatis how do fingers work on the screen? What is the role of our brain in this process and why we cannot draw on the surface of a  screen-touched phone using just a piece of plastic? We'll discuss this topic by questioning some points. Here we go!! How Does The Brain Send Signals To Th

All about Annular Solar Eclipse

An annular solar eclipse was observed on June 21st, 2020 across much regions of Asia and Africa. Some people like us eagerly wait for such celestial events to occur. Today we will discuss about annular solar eclipse and also about some scientific experiments which are performed during solar eclipse . Its effects on human body will also be discussed. What is an annular solar eclipse? An annular solar eclipse is a phenomenon, occurs when the moon blocks the sun's centre, leaving the outer edge of the Sun, creating a much bigger portion called, the ring of fire. Now coming to the next point, many of us get confused between a  total solar eclipse   and an annular solar eclipse . But there is a huge difference between the two events. They are totally different from each other. A total solar eclipse can occur when the moon has a larger apparent size, whereas an annular solar eclipse can occur when the sun has a larger apparent size than the moon. Total solar eclipse are rare.There is a